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Located in Western Montana
107 6th Ave SW, Ronan, MT 59864

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Tips to prevent ski injuries

July 25, 2018

WHILE SKIING PROVIDES GREAT EXERCISE AND THRILLING ENTERTAINMENT, St. Luke Community Healthcare’s sports medicine clinic treats skiing-related injuries each winter. Dr. Adrian Davis, St. Luke orthopedic surgeon, offers the following advice for staying safe on the slopes.
Know your limits.
According to Davis, the most important preventative measure is to understand your ability. Many injuries occur when skiers attempt terrain that is too difficult. “You want to make sure the challenges you’re giving yourself are within reason,” Davis said.
Stay in shape.
Davis recommends being in good physical shape before stepping into skis. A strong core, hips, and quads will prevent fatigue-related injuries.
Use appropriate equipment.
According to Davis, ski equipment should be up to date. Safe skis release a skier’s boots when they fall. If the boot remains fastened to the ski, it could cause a knee injury. Equipment should be checked regularly to ensure that it functions properly. A helmet should be worn at all times to prevent head injuries.
Avoid icy conditions.
Icy slopes make it harder for skiers to control their movement. The unpredictable nature of icy slopes can set skiers up for injury, Davis said.
Stay sober.
Drinking a beer in the lodge is often part of a day of skiing. However, Davis said, intoxication can cause poor judgment and increase the risk of injury. He recommends limiting consumption of alcohol in order to prevent injury.

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