St. Luke Community Healthcare Logo

107 6th Ave SW, Ronan, MT 59864

Hospital Icon

St. Luke Hospital
(406) 676-4441

Nurse Icon

Nurse On Call 24/7
(located in Montana)
(406) 676-3737

Clinic Icon

Ronan (406) 676-3600
St. Ignatius (406) 745-2781
Southshore (406) 883-2555
Ridgewater (406) 883-3737

St. Luke Community Healthcare Logo

Located in Western Montana
107 6th Ave SW, Ronan, MT 59864

call St. Luke Hospital    Call Nurse on Call 24/7    Call Clinic

Donate Today.

Ways to Give to St. Luke Foundation

There are almost as many variations on ways to make a donation as there are needs to be met. Explore this section to discover new ways to make a gift that also takes into consideration your personal circumstances and the needs of your heirs. Gifts and pledges may be made over a three to five year term or the Foundation can set-up a pre-authorized monthly giving program. Anonymous gifts are also welcomed.

Online Giving

Click this link and you will be directed to our online giving form:
Donate Now

Planned Gift

Explore the value of charitable gifts that require little thought, but pay off in big benefits to you, your family and St. Luke Community Healthcare Foundation.


Learn how to help others and us by using one of the most popular and simplest ways to make a gift.

Charitable Gift Annuities

Let us tell you how to make a donation and in turn receive a fixed annuity payment each year for life.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

This plan could increase your income, reduce your taxes, unlock appreciated investments, rid you of investment worries and ultimately provide very important support.

Memorials and Endowments

Discover a wonderful way to make a gift to us in your name or in the name of a loved one while realizing tax benefits for your kindness.

Give my Home, But Live There for Life

Make a gift to St. Luke Foundation of a remainder interest in your home, receive sizable tax benefits now and continue living in your home for the rest of your life.

Matching Gifts from my or my Spouse’s Employer

Get your employer and others at your workplace in generating additional gifts.

Let our Foundation Staff assist you in making your giving decision.

Tax ID #: 81-0539096

St. Luke Foundation

AmazonSmile - St. Luke Foundation

Safe Sleep Tip

Safe to Sleep Tip with mom breastfeeding

Antibiotics Aware

Be Antibiotics Aware

Safe Kids Worldwide

Park. Look. Lock. Never Leave a Child alone in a car

St. Luke is committed to making our website accessible to all users, including those with disabilites. If you encounter any issues or require aditional assistance with specific pages or forms, please contact our PR Manager at (406) 528-5262. Thank you.

St. Luke Community Healthcare Logo


Donate to the St. Luke Foundation

stethoscope, pen and charts

Join Our Team

Applications remain active for 1 year.
St. Luke is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Computer screen on desk with myHealth Portal login

myHealth Portal

Keep track of medications, refills, receive lab results and update contact/insurance info.


If you are in need of services at St. Luke Community Hospital, and you are without healthcare coverage or have financial challenges, please print and complete a copy of the following forms.

© 2023 St. Luke Community Healthcare. All rights are reserved.

© 2023 St. Luke Community Healthcare. All rights are reserved.