St. Luke Community Healthcare Logo

107 6th Ave SW, Ronan, MT 59864

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St. Luke Hospital
(406) 676-4441

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Nurse On Call 24/7
(located in Montana)
(406) 676-3737

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Ronan (406) 676-3600
St. Ignatius (406) 745-2781
Polson/Southshore (406) 883-2555
Polson/Ridgewater (406) 883-3737

St. Luke Community Healthcare Logo

Located in Western Montana
107 6th Ave SW, Ronan, MT 59864

call St. Luke Hospital    Call Nurse on Call 24/7    Call Clinic

Lisa Bailey

Physical Therapy Assistant




PIMA Medical Tucson, AZ – Physical Therapist Assistant 2015

Northwest College Powell, WY – Agriculture Business, A.S

About Lisa:

Lisa grew up in Clyde Park, MT where she grew up on a cattle ranch. She attended K-12 and graduated from Shields Valley High School. After graduation, she attended Northwest College and received her Associates Degree and remained in Wyoming. She then managed a boutique hotel before moving to Arizona. While in Arizona, she obtained her Physical Therapy Assistant Degree. After receiving her degree she decided to move back to Montana to be closer to her family and friends. Lisa has spent most of her career in skilled nursing before changing to outpatient therapy. Lisa has a passion for helping others and helping to the core.

When Lisa isn’t at work you can find her spending time with her husband and son. They enjoy working with heavy equipment, moving cows, riding horses, camping, snowmobiling, and generally being outdoors. They also love being surrounded by their family and circle of friends.

Shannon Harris OT

Lisa Bailey

Physical Therapy Assistant


Shannon Harris



PIMA Medical Tucson, AZ – Physical Therapist Assistant 2015

Northwest College Powell, WY – Agriculture Business, A.S

About Lisa:

Lisa grew up in Clyde Park, MT where she grew up on a cattle ranch. She attended K-12 and graduated from Shields Valley High School. After graduation, she attended Northwest College and received her Associates Degree and remained in Wyoming. She then managed a boutique hotel before moving to Arizona. While in Arizona, she obtained her Physical Therapy Assistant Degree. After receiving her degree she decided to move back to Montana to be closer to her family and friends. Lisa has spent most of her career in skilled nursing before changing to outpatient therapy. Lisa has a passion for helping others and helping to the core.

When Lisa isn’t at work you can find her spending time with her husband and son. They enjoy working with heavy equipment, moving cows, riding horses, camping, snowmobiling, and generally being outdoors. They also love being surrounded by their family and circle of friends.

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myHealth Portal

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If you are in need of services at St. Luke Community Hospital, and you are without healthcare coverage or have financial challenges, please print and complete a copy of the following forms.

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© 2023 St. Luke Community Healthcare. All rights are reserved.