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107 6th Ave SW, Ronan, MT 59864

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St. Luke Hospital
(406) 676-4441

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Nurse On Call 24/7
(located in Montana)
(406) 676-3737

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Ronan (406) 676-3600
St. Ignatius (406) 745-2781
Polson/Southshore (406) 883-2555
Polson/Ridgewater (406) 883-3737

St. Luke Community Healthcare Logo

Located in Western Montana
107 6th Ave SW, Ronan, MT 59864

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Choices, Choices: St. Luke provides expanded options for obstetric care

ST. LUKE COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE OBSTETRICAL PATIENTS enjoy comprehensive care for themselves and their family. Now, with the addition of four new providers, expectant mothers have an array of options for high-quality care near home during pregnancy and childbirth. Obstetric care is provided at all four St. Luke clinics: Ronan, St. Ignatius, Polson-Southshore, and Polson-Ridgewater. “Additional providers gives patients more access and ability to see their doctor,” Dr. Mariah Bonner said. Bonner is among the new family practice physicians who joined St. Luke’s clinics this fall, now at Polson-Southshore Clinic. All four new physicians are board certified to practice obstetrics. The new doctors significantly expand the choices for care during pregnancy and childbirth. They provide obstetric care for a woman before she becomes pregnant. Care continues throughout pregnancy and after childbirth, as family physicians continue to treat women and their infants after children are born. The additional locations and physicians for obstetric care means that for most patients, care is available close to home. No matter what happens, a trip to a local clinic where the doctor knows each patient’s unique medical and personal history can alleviate expectant parents’ worries. The addition of physicians means that doctors are immediately available to address questions or concerns that arise during pregnancy and parenthood. “You can get in quickly and be seen easily,” Dr. Bonner said. There are benefits to having a relationship with a local physician who provides obstetric care, she added. A primary care physician really gets to know a patient. That familiarity leads to more specialized care, tailored to the patient. “It’s more comprehensive care,” she said, “with one doctor who understands all aspects of the newborn and the pregnant mom’s care.” Those interested in seeing one of the new physicians, should call for an appointment.

Safe Sleep Tip

Safe to Sleep Tip with mom breastfeeding

Antibiotics Aware

Be Antibiotics Aware

Safe Kids Worldwide

Park. Look. Lock. Never Leave a Child alone in a car

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