St. Luke Community Healthcare Logo

107 6th Ave SW, Ronan, MT 59864

Hospital Icon

St. Luke Hospital
(406) 676-4441

Nurse Icon

Nurse On Call 24/7
(located in Montana)
(406) 676-3737

Clinic Icon

Ronan (406) 676-3600
St. Ignatius (406) 745-2781
Polson/Southshore (406) 883-2555
Polson/Ridgewater (406) 883-3737

St. Luke Community Healthcare Logo

Located in Western Montana
107 6th Ave SW, Ronan, MT 59864

call St. Luke Hospital    Call Nurse on Call 24/7    Call Clinic

Chaplain Services

Caring for Your Spiritual Needs

Volunteers from pastoral care services are present to offer support and informative services. They are a group of caring individuals who donate their time offering spiritual care. The team has years of education and experience helping individuals heal and connect spiritually.


A hospital chaplain is present to comfort, console, and provide emotional and/or spiritual support. The chaplain offers pastoral counseling to patients, family, friends, and staff. It is the chaplain’s mission to help those in the hospital find courage, hope, and meaning in order to navigate difficult situations.


  • Supporting family/friends in their grief and loss of a loved one
  • Helping patients connect with their spiritual advisors whole at St. Luke
  • Facilitating the communication among hospital staff and/or family members
  • Talking about critical decisions
  • Offering spiritual and emotional comfort, based upon the individual’s or family’s faith beliefs
  • Conducting stress and crisis management debriefing sessions for staff following a traumatic event
  • Spiritual support for hospital staff

“So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” — Hebrews 4: 14-16


St. Luke Chaplains Pictured Left to Right: Gary Foster, Gina Dalrymple, (the late) Orville Baer, Beth Moree, Seth Nelson, Julie Dalrymple, Matthew Connally, Don Moree, and Tanner Mack

Contact Us

Chaplain services are available seven days a week. Please call the hospital at (406) 676-4441 or the Chaplain’s Office directly at (406) 528-5215 for assistance. If you are a hospital patient, your nurse can assist you in arranging chaplain services.  On evenings and weekends, the Chaplain may not be on-site, but we will be on-call and available.

Safe Sleep Tip

Safe to Sleep Tip with mom breastfeeding

Antibiotics Aware

Be Antibiotics Aware

Safe Kids Worldwide

Park. Look. Lock. Never Leave a Child alone in a car

St. Luke is committed to making our website accessible to all users, including those with disabilites. If you encounter any issues or require aditional assistance with specific pages or forms, please contact our PR Manager at (406) 528-5262. Thank you.

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Applications remain active for 1 year.
St. Luke is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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myHealth Portal

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If you are in need of services at St. Luke Community Hospital, and you are without healthcare coverage or have financial challenges, please print and complete a copy of the following forms.

© 2023 St. Luke Community Healthcare. All rights are reserved.

© 2023 St. Luke Community Healthcare. All rights are reserved.