St. Luke Community Healthcare Logo

107 6th Ave SW, Ronan, MT 59864

Hospital Icon

St. Luke Hospital
(406) 676-4441

Nurse Icon

Nurse On Call 24/7
(located in Montana)
(406) 676-3737

Clinic Icon

Ronan (406) 676-3600
St. Ignatius (406) 745-2781
Polson/Southshore (406) 883-2555
Polson/Ridgewater (406) 883-3737

St. Luke Community Healthcare Logo

Located in Western Montana
107 6th Ave SW, Ronan, MT 59864

call St. Luke Hospital    Call Nurse on Call 24/7    Call Clinic

CEO’s Message.

Welcome Message from Steve Todd

A successful rural healthcare system is built by the people who provide care and serve the community. This is especially true for St Luke Community Healthcare and its success. St Luke continues to be recognized both at the state and national level as a leader in rural healthcare in the areas of technology, quality and service – and our employees are the reason. Therefore, investing in our employees and potential future employees makes good sense.

One of the challenges facing Montana and its economic vitality is the ability to keep its young, educated and talented residents within the state. Healthcare and the various career opportunities within the healthcare field are one way in which we can keep people within the state and provide economic growth and stability to our communities.

In order to build upon our success and to meet the growing service demands in the future, St. Luke is committed to being a leader in rural clinical education. We do this in various ways. St. Luke has partnered with the University of Montana, Montana State University, Flathead Valley Community College, Salish Kootenai College, the local high schools and a multitude of other university and educational institutions to provide clinical education to students and resident physicians. We provide clinical rotations for resident physicians in family medicine and emergency medicine. We allow students to get clinical experience alongside our experienced employees in the areas of nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, speech therapy, laboratory sciences, radiology technicians, respiratory therapy and much more.

If you have been inside the walls of the hospital or in one of our medical offices you may have encountered a student or resident physician working with one of our staff members. We believe St. Luke and the quality of the care you receive is better as a result. Rural healthcare is different and takes special training. We believe it is essential to our future success to prepare people and investing in that education is a win/win/win – a win for our employees, a win for our students and most importantly a win for our patients.


Steve Todd, CEO

Steve Todd, CEO

Safe Sleep Tip

Safe to Sleep Tip with mom breastfeeding

Antibiotics Aware

Be Antibiotics Aware

Safe Kids Worldwide

Park. Look. Lock. Never Leave a Child alone in a car

St. Luke is committed to making our website accessible to all users, including those with disabilites. If you encounter any issues or require aditional assistance with specific pages or forms, please contact our PR Manager at (406) 528-5262. Thank you.

St. Luke Community Healthcare Logo


Donate to the St. Luke Foundation

stethoscope, pen and charts

Join Our Team

Applications remain active for 1 year.
St. Luke is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Computer screen on desk with myHealth Portal login

myHealth Portal

Keep track of medications, refills, receive lab results and update contact/insurance info.


If you are in need of services at St. Luke Community Hospital, and you are without healthcare coverage or have financial challenges, please print and complete a copy of the following forms.

© 2023 St. Luke Community Healthcare. All rights are reserved.

© 2023 St. Luke Community Healthcare. All rights are reserved.
